Friday, June 19, 2015

Namjoon the Turtle, Among Other Things

The most exciting happening this week may have been the purchase of a new member of my family.

In fact, just yesterday I purchased Namjoon the turtle. Namjoon (officially named "Rap Monster" but going by his given Korean name for now) is not, in fact, a living turtle. I prefer to think of him as a lion turtle, hosting other living organisms on his back. Who, in fact, lives on Namjoon's back? 8 little succulents! Yes, Namjoon the turtle is a ceramic planter, and his turtle shell is comprised of small, desert-originating plants. They came from our local "vintique" store, and I must say I've never been happier with any purchase. I even brought Namjoon with me into Whole Foods! This was much to the chagrin of my shopping companion, who is the one responsible for naming him Rap Monster.

Photos are forthcoming. I must say, I'm quite excited to have added Namjoon to the family. In the meantime, I'm just trying to give the succulents all the love, care, and water they need to thrive.

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